Custom-Designed Major Commencement 2024

Mandell Theater, June 13, 2024

The Pennoni Honors College's Custom-Designed Major Commencement ceremony will be held Thursday, June 13 at 9 a.m. at the Mandell Theater.

The ceremony will include degree conferral, honors, and individual recognition of all graduates as they are called to the stage by name.

>Chelsea Amanatides '14, '18, '19, will serve as our 2024 keynote speaker. Dr. Amanatides is a senior fabrication engineer at the Pennsylvania Fabric Discovery Center at the Center for Functional Fabrics at Drexel University. Dr. Amanatides is a proud alumna of the CSDN program, and received a BS with a focus in sustainable materials and design.

Mahadhi Balaji, human genetics '24, will serve as our 2024 student speaker. Mahadhi will graduate with a BS degree in human genetics, combining biology, health sciences, and data communication to convey a lifelong love for the interplay of nature and nurture.

For commencement information, please visit:

Questions? Please email

Congratulations to the Custom-Designed Majors Class of 2024!